As The Pages Turn Chats with Zachery Richardson Author of Chronicles of the Apocalypse

Chronicles of the Apocalypse Book Tour

Zachery Richardson is a 22-year old author living in Wilsonville, OR. He is also an avid gamer and movie lover. He’s recently set up his own website (, Twitter (RisingPhoenix89), and even his own YouTube channel to promote his debut release, Chronicles of the Apocalypse: Revenge, Everything is Nothing!

Q: Thank you for this interview, Zachery. Can you tell us what your latest book, Chronicles of the Apocalypse: Revenge, Everything is Nothing, is all about?

A: Chronicles of the Apocalypse: Revenge, Everything is Nothing (COTA: REIN) is a revenge/redemption story about a former assassin named Jin Sakai. Five years ago, his family was murdered by people he’d once called allies. Now they’ve come back for him, and he’s sets out on a mission to tear their world down around their ears. Unfortunately, there is much more going on behind the scenes than Jin realizes and by setting out on this mission, he unknowingly makes himself on of the key figures in the apocalyptic war that’s brewing just beneath the surface.

Q: Is this your first novel?  If not, how has writing this novel different from writing your first?

A: Yes, this is my first novel.

Q: How difficult was it writing your book?  Did you ever experience writer’s block and, if so, what did you do?


A: I think I have experienced more writer’s block working on COTA than on any other project I’ve worked on. The problem was that it did not start out as COTA. It started out as three separate novels that I eventually combined and expanded into a series when I realized how similar they were. Before that though, I experienced  the worst writer’s block I’ve ever had on each of the three novels. That’s actually what prompted me to combine them all and actually create Chronicles of the Apocalypse.

Q: How have your fans embraced your latest novel?  Do you have any funny or unusual experiences to share?

A: My mom enjoying it was probably the most unusual. She’s very much a bright, positive, happy person, and COTA: REIN is a dark story. When I asked about that, she told me that even though the violence was off-putting to her, it was the story of Jin’s ultimate redemption that kept her reading.

And surprisingly enough, that’s the general reaction I’ve had with this book. Even though I wrote this book more for my demographic (males aged 18-24), a lot of older readers, people in their 50’s and 60’s, have really taken to the story of Jin’s redemption.

Q: What is your daily writing routine?


A: Typically I’ll get up at around 9 A.M. and go out for a walk to get some fresh air. I’ll eat breakfast when I get back and then plunk myself down with my laptop and work on whichever project I’ve chosen to focus on.

Q: When you put the pen or mouse down, what do you do to relax?


A: I’m big on video games, I am a huge gamer! So, typicall,y when I’m done writing, or stressed thanks to writer’s block, I’ll hop on Xbox LIVE and play a few rounds of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 with my friends. We have had some really fun times with that game.

Q: What book changed your life?

A: At the risk of sounding horridly cliché, I would have to say Harry Potter. I have ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder, and it made reading anything painfully hard for me, but for some reason, there wasn’t a problem with Harry Potter. My 4th grade teacher read the first one to us in class, and I could identify with Harry so much that when I finally picked the books up on my own, it felt like I was living his story rather than reading it; so, if any book gets credit for my career as an author, it’s Harry Potter.

Q: If someone were to write a book on your life, what would the title be?


A: A.D.D.: When Sharks Attack. I don’t know why, but I would love for that to be the title of my biography.

Q: Finish this sentence: “The one thing that I wish people would understand about me is…”


A: “… that I’m proud of my ADD.” My ADD is what gives me the ability to write the way I do, to plan and work on half a dozen books at a time and not get them confused. Both times, I’ve gone on medication for it, the meds have taken away my ability to write. I could still think about and plan them, but the connection between my brain and the keyboard was blocked off. So thank you, but no thank you. I like my brain just the way it is. :P

Thank you for this interview Zachery. I wish you much success on your latest release, Chronicles of the Apocalypse: Revenge, Everything is Nothing!

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