Guest Blogger Linda Andrews: ‘Happy Birthday Zumaya!’

Zumaya Publications, a small press publisher based in Austin, Texas, and headed by the magnificent and articulate Elizabeth Burton, is celebrating its fifth year birthday this month (Happy Birthday Zumaya!) and as part of the birthday celebration, the authors would like to tell you how they were published by Zumaya to help you understand how important their small press publisher is to them. Today we have as our guest, Linda Andrews, author of The Christmas Village.

Happy Birthday Zumaya!

A long time ago (or so it seems), I heard about this small press opening up and decided to check it out. There weren’t many titles published with them at the time, but I was able to read their contract and the advice of their editor for submissions. At the time, ebook publishers and small presses were opening and closing with an amazing speed and horror stories abounded on the internet. Still, the contract was fair and the editor’s comments made be believe that I could work with her. So I sent off my manuscript, crossed my fingers and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Anyone who’s looking to be published or is published knows that publishers move very slowly (some might say geologic time). Three months went by and I hadn’t heard anything, but that’s not unusual. Then low and behold, I received an email. Liz wanted to know if I was still interested in being published with Zumaya, and if so, when I was going to send the rest of my manuscript.

I was floored.

Someone liked my book, really? And yahoo ate this piece of good news? I immediately wrote back and apologized, explaining that I hadn’t received her earlier email then promptly reformatted the file. Ghost of a Chance came out a year later and went on to become a Prism Finalist. Later, when she put out the call for holiday stories, I sent her the Christmas Village.

Since then, Liz has agreed to publish eight more of my paranormal romances and I couldn’t be happier. Zumaya is everything I wanted in a publisher–quality editing, world-wide distribution, open communications, and a fair royalty rate. As an added bonus, my books are available in both print and electronic format. The author loops are always filled with information about the company, bookstores and promotional opportunities. And Liz is always there to help when you’re doing some extra promotion with coupons and such.

The company’s use of technology really cuts out a lot of confusion and saves time, especially when editing. It’s nice to sit in front of my computer screen and make changes while Liz is on the other side of cyberspace, making sure my edits clear up any ambiguities and improve the story.

Thanks again Zumaya and Liz, and Happy Birthday! I wish you many more.

Linda Andrews lives with her husband and three children in Phoenix, Arizona. When she announced to her family that her paranormal romance was to be published, her sister pronounce: “What else would she write? She’s never been normal.”

All kidding aside, writing has become a surprising passion. So just how did a scientist start to write paranormal romances? What other option is there when you’re married to romantic man and live in a haunted house?

She can be found at,, and her blog at


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